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Geotechnics for the offshore wind industry – lessons learned and new challenges
Juan M. Pestana, ScD, PE, D.GE, F. ASCE, Senior Principal, Geosyntec Consultants;
Emeritus Professor of Civil Engineering, UC Berkeley; and Professor of the Practice, Tufts University
Lessons learned from pile foundation testing and monitoring
Mônica Prezzi, PhD, Professor of Civil Engineering
Purdue University
Academy of Geotechnical Professionals (AGP) – Update
Ray E. Martin, PhD, PE, D.GE
Performance of circular shafts and tunnels in clays – lessons learned
Lord Robert Mair, CBE, FRS, FICE, FREng
Head, Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction (CSIC) and
Emeritus Professor of Civil Engineering
Cambridge University, UK
Lessons learned from tunneling projects
Eldon Abbott, PE, Principal
Reliance Engineers, LLC
The Oso Landslide – what have we learned?
Jean Benoit, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of New Hampshire
Designing to construct – lessons learned in geotechnical engineering
Peter Deming, PE, Principal
Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers
Mandalay Bay Micropiles – lessons learned
Thomas D. Richards, PE
Travelling Lecturer, Deep Foundations Institute (DFI)
Consultant, Nicholson Construction Company
Best Projects Contest
Selected by the GeoVirginia Conference Committee from projects in Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and the District of Columbia
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
Challenges with large diameter foundation elements
Silas Nichols, PE, Principal Bridge Engineer
Federal Highway Administration
Avoiding legal and liability issues in geotechnical engineering: lessons learned from contract negotiations, litigation, and case studies
Abbie Sprague, Esq, Senior Attorney
Varying grounds – lessons learned along a geotechnical journey
Mary Ellen Bruce Large, PE, D.GE, Client Care Program Manager
Nicholson Construction Company
Reducing uncertainty in geotechnical design – lessons learned
Roger Failmezger, PE, D.GE, F. ASCE, President
In-Situ Soil Testing, LC